Friday, February 09, 2007

looks like rain....!

looks like rain....!


theplasticpoet said...

what lovely hues.

beautiful photo.

rain at the beach, its been a while since i've seen that.

and yes, photos.

too busy reading silmarillion these days

floots said...

i thought it was the set of "lost"
looks a lot warmer than here :)

3rd avenue said...

it is! it is the set of lost.
this is the beach where it keeps raining. the jungle is behind it :P
these are the others....

god i love that show.

Unknown said...

It looks like NOTHING! cuz flickr's blocked again! RAAARGH! For the sake of it, I shall comment on how pretty the hyperlink to your (I'll assume) pretty photo looks. Ah, the corners! Ah, the curves! Ah, the colors! Is there anything more splendid?

Want me to tell you what happens in the latest episode? :D

3rd avenue said...

i watch it when its on air.
do you wanna know what happens?

Lulu said...

The picture looks so amazing soub7an allah!
the colors and everything looks so cool...makes me wish i was there even tho i hate the beach :P