Wednesday, February 08, 2006



discopapaya said...


that is BLUE.

Mr. Khurram said...

Joy of bein' so High but so alone. *Smiles*

God bless you.....

mahnoor said...

ah now this is more like it. me likes this chirya!

the sky is gorgeous!!!

floots said...

boxin' champ said it all
nice one

Abbas Halai said...

walaikum hello.

The Surreptitious Fabric said...

Uffooooooooo. You don't get it! That bird is actually a scout for all the other birds. If Moo had actually taken the trouble to look OVER this ridge, she'd...get bit in the face and slapped silly by the scout, but supposing someone roasted and digested the scout BEFOREHAND, well, then she'd see an entire colony of birds doing a rain dance and hoping it rains fish.